Leslie J. Saul Testimonials

What Clients Are Saying

Leslie: You are a coach unlike any other I have ever had — and I’ve had quite a few! From our very first phone conversation, you saw the greatness I knew I had in me, and you held me accountable for achieving it. I knew early on that I could count on you to support me and encourage me, but never to go easy on me. If I were to summarize you with one verb, I would say that you CARE. You care deeply and truly, and you care so much that you have never dropped your standard with me even when I know your personal circumstances were immensely challenging.

Yet, I have also never felt dependent on you. There is something magical about the way that you can be so present and yet never too close. I know that part of this is explained by your insistence that I master the tools you have taught me. Sometimes I have resisted practicing those damn things with all my might, yet you never judge me. If anything, you have searched for ways to help me learn the material on my terms. And you have pushed me, but have never judged me. Of the many tools you have taught me, the few that I have integrated into my daily life have empowered me to manage my emotions, thoughts and responses in almost any situation, and I have used them to grow my business (by almost $1 million last year), to deepen my romantic relationship with my fiancé, and, frankly, to get to know and to love myself more than I ever have before.

On top of all this, I want to thank you for ‘walking your own talk’. Whereas many coaches and teachers shy from sharing their own struggles, processes and humanity, you have the confidence to share just enough of yourself to show me that you not only believe what you say, you also practice what you preach. I have seen you use the very same tools you teach me to work through tragedies and challenges in your own life. In doing so, you’ve inspired me to keep going, and you’ve reminded me that I am neither broken nor defective. As you’ve shown me many times: no one is immune to struggle, but we all have the ability to decide how and whether we will grow from it.

Since you take so little credit, it is easy for me to think that I have gotten as far as I have on my own. I certainly have not. You have been an indispensable part of my journey, and I know I would not be where I am or who I am without you.

With great love and gratitude,

Robert Meekins, CEO, Med School Tutors NY, NY

I own a behavioral research company concentrating in a very specialized area of leadership program development. I needed a re-brand to be accompanied by an integrated and very targeted social media and outbound marketing campaign. I interviewed numerous companies before hiring Leslie, because of her ability to quickly grasp the scope and nuances of what I do when no one else could. She did a terrific job, on time, of conceptualizing and actualizing my new campaign.

I would recommend her without reservation.

R Lipman, Co-Founder-ProSocial Global Philadelphia, PA

Where do I begin this testimonial for my dearest life coach and now friend Leslie? I’ll go waaaaay back to the moment I found Leslie online on a coaching resource site and found her energy pulling me through her digital picture. I researched her company and reviewed a few testimonials; but what truly felt like the right connection was when she promptly called me after I requested a consultation. There were obstacles in my life that were holding me back from my full potential. I knew I wasn’t living life to the fullest as well as carrying many fears and anxieties with me. I knew it was time to reach out to a life coach that would truly be invested in me and wanting to see more than a transformation.

I needed guidance by a skilled, caring, and strict lady life coach who would keep me accountable for my actions and thoughts with helpful tools and through a certain system I could follow that best suited me. When Leslie called me, there was something that made me automatically know that I want to work with her. I wanted her to be my coach and have her be the one to guide me and be the one I go through my journey with. It's not easy opening up to a stranger and sharing all your uncomfortable issues, fears, and secrets. On the phone, she made sure I was 100% ready to be invested in myself and that she isn’t around to waste anyone's time and vice versa. Her dedication and commitment to me started with the first phone call. I could hear it in her voice; I knew this was the coach that was going to help me with any obstacle that I was facing.

Her scheduling system is very organized; which was extremely helpful. She never rescheduled on me… she was always there for me beyond the amount of time allocated. Since the beginning of the first phone call consultation and the entire session period; she was professional, focused and on top of everything. She is one of the most intelligent people I have met; independent, strong and dedicated to her craft.

Leslie gave me specific tools at our weekly sessions and was persistent to make sure I was understanding and practicing in order to get the freedom, clarity, and serenity by overcoming the obstacles I was carrying throughout my life that I was seeking.

Leslie became a part of my daily routine. I wake up in the mornings to write in my journal, include my goals of the day, pay-it-forwards and affirmations. I would include daily meditations and take moments in the day to lay down and elevate my legs in order to de-stress and relax. There are tons of tools she shared with me, which I use today. Her guidance has formed a certain lifestyle which helps me in the daily, in moments of chaos and anxiety. I will share that I haven’t had major panic attacks and feeling anxious since I started working with Leslie.

The only way I knew that the sessions with Leslie were going to work and benefit me; is by believing in it since the beginning, and I did. I believed in Leslie since day one. I believed in myself since day one as well. I did not doubt one moment; I stayed patient when I didn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel and I consistently practiced and followed her lead.

Now, I’m a very emotional and sensitive gal. Leslie is a strong straight forward kinda lady. She is very loving and caring, but when it comes to you getting better and feeling alive, free and everything you came to her in the first place .. she is focused and does not bullsh**. Her character woke me up and inspired me in many ways. Her communication was and is clear; she knows what to say when to say it and how to say it without having to think too much.

I’m one of the luckiest girls to have met Leslie; my coach, my friend, and a true inspiration. She is a tough-cookie but only for the best. She wants us to feel fabulous and get through every obstacle. I arrived to Leslie with a few obstacles and uncovered a whole lot of garbage that was cluttering my space; my mind, body, and soul. She helped me de-clutter and face fears that I never thought I would have done. I will say; that she stood by my side (literally) while I faced one of the biggest fears and issues I had to carry since I was a child. This enormous and heavy obstacle was a burden in my life in many ways. Without getting into a long story of my obstacle; I want to share that she was there!! She was there and heard my RRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRRR after facing my biggest challenge in life thus far. My roar was not only heard by my mind, body, and soul... I am 100% that this experience impacted others around me and with Leslie’s help, it will definitely impact many generations to come because of our #teamwork !!!!

I am grateful for Leslie, I am thankful for her dedication, appreciative of her guidance, and for her support. I came in looking for a badass life coach.. and not only did I get the best, but I also was gifted with a friend for life! You are stuck with me now Les 🙂 I thank you from the bottom of my heart. there is nothing I can’t face nor overcome.. and I believe the same for you.

If you are thinking about hiring Leslie to help you and your obstacles; I wouldn’t think twice. First off; you’ll need to believe in yourself and secondly, believe in her and her process… it will take you to where you want to be. You can reach out to me on Facebook or Linkedin at any time to ask me any details that may help you with your decision.

1000% recommended.
Love you tons, Leslie, thank you again !!!

Daisy Adato Brugna, Founder/Creative Director, Rockpaperbrands.com San Diego, CA

Is there a price tag for Happiness?

I found Leslie through Yelp and online reviews. Unsure what coaching consisted of and only able to vaguely articulate my goals, she engaged me wholeheartedly. Leslie diligently identified new ways to reach through my guarded facade and share new ways to approach life. What she provides is a treasure chest of tools which give you the power, authority and self awareness to live in a constant state of acceptance – and also the key to happiness. Through her tutelage and interwoven daily practices, you will find a consistent level of happiness regardless of life’s external circumstances.

I highly recommend Leslie for her tireless passion to reach and impact her clients. She seeks to balance all areas of your life, but ultimately the decision is yours. The process is not easy, however the results are absolutely priceless.

I use my tools daily and give thanks for them every day.

Hannah Wilner, President-Achieve International, LLC Houston, TX

As a project manager, Leslie is organized, devoted, and goal-oriented. I have worked with Leslie for a decade, and with each project, she brings to the table an understanding of the audience, a vision for the framework, and an end-goal that exceeds the client's needs as well as mine. As a designer, I am often thrown into the deep end of a tumultuous wave pool, splashing my way through half-cocked concepts and ideas; working with Leslie is like someone throwing out a life preserver and reeling everything into safety. From concept to creation to deliverables and follow-through, Leslie is a great captain of the ship and I would recommend her to anyone looking for their footing within their project or life.

Sara Noto, Owner, Notobella Design, Tyler, TX 

Our time together has benefited my life tremendously. I have been given a new tool box to utilize when the weight of the past starts to creep in. I have learned what it is to face something head on, put it to rest and then find the humor. 2019 was by far one of the most challenging years of my life. It was my proverbial rock bottom and having your guidance through it was essential. To list out all of the ways in which you and the tools you've provided me have enhanced my life could take all day and fortunately I have some ass kicking to do out in the world. Thank you for showing me the path towards self love and for continuing to help me find my way back when I strayed from it.

Michelle Nussbaum, Client Services Manager, Schlesinger Group Philadelphia, PA

I am Stephanie and this is my story from fear to love. And it’s been a long time coming around the bend. I can’t even say that I was a work in progress, because I was basically stagnant. If I moved at all I believe backwards would be the best way to describe it, as I was merely existing. I had hit rock bottom and I was terrified, anxious, depressed and feeling hopeless. In a period of two years I had been to 5 different therapists, two of which were marriage counselors and not one of them had helped the situation and in my opinion only made matters worse. The last 5 years of my life had been hell. By this time my husband had his third affair over the course of our 30 year marriage and most of my family wasn’t talking to me due to a misunderstanding following my mother’s death. In my attempt to keep moving forward I shoved all of my pain, suffering and feelings inward and I became toxic, manifesting dangerous physical ailments like MRSA. I also had been unable to walk for 4 years originally due to a doctor’s mistake and more complications due to my declined emotional health. I was constantly in a fight or flight mode and was living my life with a guillotine above my head constantly waiting for it to fall. I felt like I had no one and I didn’t know where to turn anymore. As much as I hate to admit it, I was suicidal. As a last resort, I happened upon life coaching and curled in a fetal position and reached out to Leslie Saul. I poured my heart out in an extremely long email and pressed send. I figured it would be weeks before I heard from her, if at all. I was surprised and hopeful when she responded to me within an hour thinking perhaps that maybe someone cared. We set up a time to talk the next day and I crawled back into bed cautiously encouraged, but still thinking I was beyond help.

The next day I called at what I thought was the appointed time not taking into consideration the 3-hour time difference & waking her up at 6:30 am. After many apologies and feeling once again I screwed up, I hung up and called her back at the correct time. We finally talked and set up a game plan to start sessions and feeling slightly optimistic, I hung up.

I won’t kid you the next two years weren’t easy. For the first time in my life I had to as Leslie put it “Face my shit,” which I had never done in my life. In fact, the original program was only supposed to be 6 months before going on maintenance. I was so resistant that it took me a year before I went onto maintenance only to be pulled out halfway and put back into the program because I slid backwards. Leslie never gave up on me though and most importantly of all wouldn’t let me give up on myself. Leslie helped me to realize I was important. I regained my self-worth and identity, but most of all, that I deserve love and respect. It took me so long because I was so conditioned from childhood that I believed I was worthless and undeserving of love. I spent 50 years searching for love desperately through promiscuity, and numbing my feeling through addictions such as alcohol and drugs. When I found love, and I mean love of myself, I became so grateful. I learned many things, but most of all boundaries. I never knew what boundaries were and even if I had, I most likely wouldn’t have felt that I was worthy of implementing them.

Today, after a long painful struggle and dealing with years of issues and obstacles that had been suppressed for 50 years, my MRSA is gone, my foot is almost completely healed, I am no longer restrained to a wheel chair and 75% of my health issues and medications associated with ailments are gone. I’m at a place in my life I would have never dreamt was possible. The drugs which ranged from cocaine in my early years to more recent years’ tranquilizers as well as abuse of my pain medications are gone. The alcohol abuse is non existent as well. I have no need to hide from the world most of all to hide from myself. The pain that I felt emotionally is gone and with that the physical pain. With the help of my doctor. I have weaned myself off ¾ of my pain medications. Although I realize now that the journey is never-ending, I look back now from where I was to where I am and I have peace knowing that change can happen. What used to be an illusion of strength is now been a true metamorphosis of evolution, true love and respect for myself equaling true strength. I seek people’s opinions out only as an enhancement not as a validation. I am the only validation needed and I look forward to my health being restored to 100%. It is rewarding and gave me a new-found strength and a path to happiness and purpose and I have decided to get certified as a PI specializing in infidelity and helping others. My marriage has flourished under my new-found growth as well. My husband admires the changes that he sees in me and it has only enhanced our marriage. Our relationship has grown in leaps and bounds as there are now boundaries and respect in it as well on both sides for the first time ever. My love and my respect are so strong that if a next time ever happens again I will leave with my head held high and knowing that I will be just fine in creating a new life for myself. I have discovered the meaning of true boundaries and implement them in my life daily. I realized that I am stronger for dealing with my issues and little by little I gain more respect and love for myself daily, something I never had before.

Stephanie, Paranormal Investigator/Historian

I started working with Leslie because I was in need of an anchor. I was going through a trying time in my life, taking care of a terminally sick family member and grappling with the uncertainties of life. I knew that I need someone not personally affected by the situation to help me get grounded, or else I risked letting the anxiety and stress and grief swallow me up.

I’m not sure that many people who are in my shoes would think to go to a coach, instead of a clinical therapist, but it was the best decision I made. In addition to being a listening ear, she gave me so much compassion and support. Not many clinical professionals would send you a random text in the middle of the week to check on how you are doing. But more than that, she gave me tools to use what would be the most difficult experience of my life to date and grow from it. She coached me through changing my perspective on life, both the big and little things; she showed me how my words and thoughts affect my experience and we all have so much more power than we think. I am now using these tools to proactively shape all aspects of my life.

I now face life not as a challenge, but as an opportunity. She continues to help me cope with my great loss, showing how beautiful and transformative my grief can be. I can’t imagine where I’d be had I not made the commitment to work with her.

B. Ellis, Associate Architect, Stephen Dalton Architects San Diego, CA

I was referred to Leslie by a friend with whom I shared my struggles. I had never done “coaching” before and did not know what to expect. Was it going to be like therapy? Were we going to spend months figuring out my past? Was I going to talk to her for one hour a week? NO. All of my expectations were far surpassed by Leslie!

Since the moment I first talked to Leslie, she came across as an extremely confident and direct individual. I was scared, but I knew I needed that strength and power she possessed. She assured me that in six months I was going to be a different person; She told me it was going to be hard work, I would feel uncomfortable at times, and that in the end it would all be worth it. Boy was she right!! Yes, It was very hard. Yes, I felt extremely uncomfortable. Some days I hated her, most days I love her, and yes, it was all worth it. Leslie ALWAYS (yes I said always) had my best interest at heart. She was available when I needed her most, at ridiculous hours of the day or night. She is very relatable and I can assure she is VERY hard-working and dedicated to all of her clients. We developed a connection in which whenever I was thinking something or feeling something, she would feel it too! That to me is priceless.

After a lot of commitment and effort and doing things “her way” I feel much stronger. I have a bunch of new tools I can use when needed and a very clear understanding of my individual needs, wants and goals. Leslie kept me accountable and focused, and was tough on me when I was slacking off in order to get me on track. Leslie is amazing. I am forever grateful to have her in my life as a coach and someone I truly care about and trust. I am certain that if it wasn’t for her guidance and commitment I would not be where I am today.


M. Cohen, ABOC Team Leader-Luxottica San Diego, CA

"Working with Leslie exceeded my expectations. She shared many powerful tools, personal experiences, and new perspectives. Asking myself better questions and listening for the answers has been so enlightening. Most of the exercises I wouldn't have done on my own, but I'm so glad I did. I am more present and less focused on the past. Leslie truly wants to help others live a better life and she's very accessible and responsive. What I learned from my time with Leslie has enabled me to move forward with more confidence and love."

Leslie G
Marketing Consultant, Philadelphia

I was skeptical, I admit. I never had a life coach until today. I’ve had years of therapy though. 32 to be exact. We started by going back in time to the first time I remember being shamed (shame is my big thing and my goal for today was to rid myself of it).

I am 5. I am sneaking chocolate chip cookies from our mustard yellow ceramic cookie jar labeled “Cookies" that reminds me of Winnie the Pooh’s honey pot. Wearing feety pajamas I tiptoe into the kitchen trying desperately not to creak the hallway floors on the way. Opening the jar was not as hard as closing it as the ceramic top hitting the ceramic basin was a dead give away. I stuff the Chips Ahoy cookies into my pajama bottoms and head back to my room. Did I say I was only 5? I was ashamed of eating already.

I am instructed to remember how I felt as that 5 year old. And then imagine my parents. What must it have been like to have been them? I thought about my father and my mother. Both unavailable in their own ways, Leslie had me imagine what THEY must be feeling given what they were handing down to me. Their recycled shame, judgment and criticism to me was because THEY were shamed, judged and criticized by their parents. This was not news to me. What was news to me though was offering to them what I so desperately needed. Acceptance, love, understanding, and compassion.

So I imagined that.

For example, when my father told me that my thighs were almost as big as his when we were just getting off (or on?) an escalator in some department store when I was 5 (yes 5) I imagined looking at him and saying “Daddy, you are mistaken in believing that our bodies are that important! Silly Daddy. I’m so sorry that you think beauty is so superficial. Your mommy must have made you feel bad about yourself to put this on me. But guess what Daddy? I think you’re great and I love you no matter what you look like.”

If you think this was easy, you couldn’t be more wrong. But I did have a moment of empathy for both my mother and my father. Learning to say “Oh, this is what you needed Daddy” and “this is what you needed mommy” cracked open my heart, just a little, but it cracked. Touchpoint.

Not exactly sure why but something transformed for me this afternoon. Perhaps a deeper “knowing” that my parents were wrong in the messages they gave me. They passed on to me what they were taught. Perhaps what they learned was wrong? I never challenged that notion until today.

Tonight I feel freer.

Elyse SteinbergerArt Specialist, Brotherhood Way, Burlingame, CA

There aren’t enough words to describe how important Leslie has been in my personal growth. I came to her at a low point in my life. She not only welcomed me as a client but surpassed my expectations by empathizing my every emotion. Not only could she relate and guide but demonstrated patience and suggested many alternative methods for dealing with certain situation. Her methods are valuable tools that have helped shape a new path for a stronger outlook on myself and my life.

C.A., Singer/Songwriter Santa Monica, CA

Leslie is truly a lifesaver. I sought out her services knowing nothing about life coaching and couldn’t be happier in my choice. Leslie is incredibly knowledgeable in all aspects of her trade and also is incredibly passionate about her clients. I always felt well cared for and invested in. She helped me to define what exactly I was looking for and helped me to finally be honest with myself. She gave me a great number of tools that I still use regularly to help keep my focus and self-satisfaction. With her help I started learning to trust others and to stay in touch with my goals. She also helped me to discover new authors and meditation and visualization techniques I had never come across before that have turned out to be incredibly helpful. Regardless of your needs, Leslie is a top-rate choice and is worth every penny! I feel lucky to have her in my life.

KM, DreamWorks Animation Burbank, CA

In working with Leslie I found that she cares a lot about the welfare of her clients at a very personal level. I am not always the easiest person to deal with and she was patient when necessary while also persistently pushing me to move forward and maintain accountability. Leslie is always available and responsive if anything comes up that I need to talk about. She helped me maintain focus in the right direction for my personal development goals. She worked hard to find a balance between the coaching program and all the other things going on in my life, which has always been difficult for me. I also appreciated that Leslie is very results-oriented and is always looking to find a way to help in producing the best result for her clients.

Glenn D, Semiconductor Designer, San Diego, CA

There were areas of my professional and personal life that needed some tweaking so, I chose to work with Leslie. I was very impressed with her ability to not only actively listen to my words, but she asked thought provoking and stimulating questions to help get to the root cause of what I was looking to address. Leslie made sure to spend the time to understand the whole picture, of who I am, about my environment, both professionally and personally. Leslie has excellent listening skills and is very adept at knowing when to adjust her approach depending on my needs.

Leslie also provided me with several valuable tools that I have used to apply the changes I desired in my life. She provided me the ability to help identify the priorities in my life in which I used to make decisions about where and how to spend my time.

I would highly recommend Leslie. Her dedication and skills in coaching helped me achieve my goals, let alone, her passion and energy are contagious. My time with Leslie has made me the better person I am today and for this, I am grateful.

S.B., Owner & Principle of a design firm Beverly Hills, CA

I have been seeing Leslie for about 6 weeks. They have been truly some of the most emotionally growing, productive and enlightening times of my life. It has also been a time of great reflection and for the first time in my life facing myself and the hurdles that have kept me down for years. This is all due to Leslie.

I came to her after 2 & ½ years of extreme emotional and physical trials and 2 years of therapy with 2 different therapists. I have progressed more in the short time with Leslie than all the years of therapy. I feel like she really gets me, my issues and knows the best ways to help me. She’s kind and funny yet doesn’t take excuses or self-pity. She’s genuinely happy for the forward steps I take and works with me to deal with my issues. She often goes overtime in our sessions and checks in with me during the week. She genuinely cares for her clients. She has taught me first and foremost that I owe it to myself to be accountable to me. She’s tough yet sweet and has a great sense of humor. You can tell that she really cares for her clients and loves her work. She’s in it for you all the way, wants you to achieve and move forward. She looks forward to the day when she has given you all the tools and taught you how to utilize them solo. She wants you to able to go it alone and be an emotionally healthy, happy individual.

Leslie is truly one of the most phenomenal life coach & human beings that I could ever hope for. I will be sad soon when our weekly sessions will end, it’ll be almost like losing a great friend.

Unlike the therapy that I’ve gone to, I strive for the ability to live as a happy, emotionally healthy minded individual who loves themselves. It truly is the best investment in and for myself that I have ever done. I never thought I’d get past all my hurdles and certainly not gotten this far in such a short time and I attribute it largely due to her. I’m thinking positively and moving forward for the first time in a long while.

Leslie is truly one of the best!

S.B., Homemaker Sugarland, TX

Have you ever felt lost and disconnected? In need of someone or something to get you back on track, someone to help you connect to yourself again? Well, Leslie is that go to person! I was fortunate to meet her in class and observed her in action for myself. In fact, she was able to help me overcome some public speaking issues I had, and with business coaching I needed. Her keen intuition and knowledge of what to do and how to apply it are fabulous! There is no way you cannot succeed in whatever area of your life that you are struggling with when being led and helped by Leslie! But don’t take my word for it, try her yourself! She will not disappoint. Thank you Leslie for helping me “peel my onion"!

L.S., Natural Healer Coral Springs, FL

I was just recently going through a break up and talked to Leslie about what has happened and she immediately was able to determine an area of improvement for me. So we set up a session a few days later and man was it powerful! Due to Leslie’s experience and professional training she was able to give me very valuable tools on how to move forward in a positive manner. I am very grateful for the work we have done together and will certainly apply my newly found tools in future relationships!! A big help. Thank you so much Leslie!!

Marc W, Holistic Health Coach Naples, FL

I’ve known Leslie for almost 14 years and she has given me valuable insight to most of my relationships during that time. All of her advice and thoughts on certain subject matters have been extremely helpful. She has been able to help change my thought patterns and helped me see issues that I had buried. I never would have seen what held me back, if it wasn’t for her. I am now able to think with my head and not let my heart lead. For instance, she advised me to look at my relationship and answer certain questions that allowed me to see where the problem was and what I had to do. I am so very thankful and happy. Happy for the 1st time in my life!

T.C., Vice President Beyond Elegance, Inc. Ardsley, New York

The past 10 years have provided ample time to acquaint and deepen my relationship with Leslie Saul on both personal and professional levels. She has been drawn into the interpersonal, and Life Coaching arena; and she plunged in with drive and enthusiasm. Her journey began with an intensive program in Trauma/Resolution Therapy. I was a witness to the intensive course of study, both during and afterwards. She completed her NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) certification in So FL and I had the pleasure of Leslie as a guest in my home. I am proud to say that not only is Leslie my friend, but she is energetic and creative. Her training and expertise as well as energy and creativity make each visit, each solution not only manageable, down right easy. Leslie listens with compassion, but never feels the need to interrupt or appear impatient. Her skills as a problem solver are part training combined with intuition. She knows people, what motivates us and when to use a soft guiding spiritual nature. I trusted Leslie before her training and with the extra tools, Hypnotherapy, DreamSculpting, and NLP, I anticipate her Life Coaching will not offer her much time off to return to Florida to see me anytime soon!

D. D., Yoga Instructor Boca Raton, FL

I have experienced Leslie’s deep understanding and insight of certain troubling life issues. She has always been able to bring me to better focus on the realities of those issues and to successfully utilize the logic necessary to help me reach the direction I was seeking. She has a very special talent and depth of understanding and the ability to impart her wisdom to help anyone with an open mind. I highly recommend her to those that would like to improve their lives.

N.S., President of Pre-Employment Background Screening Company Coral Springs, FL

Leslie has helped me achieve personal clarity with methods that have provided for a powerful transformation. Her love for her art, combined with her remarkable sense of humor and collection of coaching tools, provided me the opportunity to move forward toward my goals.  She never judges or gives advice, she simply intuitively asks questions and allows you to answer and find your own peace and voice. Which lead me to a place of amazing peace, understanding and opened a door of possibilities for me.  I am constantly becoming a better vision of myself with Leslie’s help. She has guided me with different approaches to help me find who I am and who I want to be.  She helped me believe my goals and aspirations are within my reach.bbLeslie is gentle, precise, inspirational and uplifting. I truly believe she was put on earth to help others.

I am abundantly blessed by her knowledge, guidance, and support.

D. D. S., Happy and Successful Mother of Twins Delray Beach, FL