Leslie J Saul Blog

NLP Coaching for the Personal and the Professional

After doing this for a very long time, I’ve amassed quite the coaching “collection” to tackle the stuff my clients are dealing with. It’s a lot like that bag Mary Poppins carries around. In it, I’ve got coats to make you feel warm, umbrellas to cover you, and cups of hot cocoa to nourish and sustain. I have uppers and downers (so to speak) and I also have NLP. NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and it takes up a tidy little corner of that bag. There is a permanent indentation in there because it is with me wherever I go. 

Tech Smart, Life Poor: Connecting Back to Our Humanity

We’re all communicating at every second of every day —with very little active participation. It is CONSTANT. And the younger we are, the more “tech smart” we are likely to be, growing up in the age of smartphones, social media, and the constant pushing of data in everything we do. Think I’m exaggerating? Pampers just put a sensor on their diapers! Barbie and Hot Wheels are going digital. It is truly ingrained in our lives, to a degree that worries me deeply. Kacy rolled over, bleary-eyed, grabbing her phone and wincing at the bright screen. Two Twitter alerts, 3 article

How Important Is Emotional Intelligence 101?

Is emotional intelligence important in the workplace? Emotional intelligence may not be required for every type of work; however, I know it can be critical to most people in leadership positions. To be effective leaders in the workplace, managers, supervisors, and other authority figures must be able to collaborate productively with the people they hire. A good leader can create a work environment in which every person feels relevant and motivated to succeed. Leaders with high emotional intelligence can use their social skills to foster relationships and trust with their employees. The higher your position in a company, the more

3 Serious Dangers of Stress

3 Ways to Purge Stress From Your Present Are you in need of some stress management?  Consider this scenario: It’s a Monday morning and your car won’t start when you are ready to leave for work. You have to call your spouse, who is already 2/3 of the way to his/her place of employment, to pick you up and take you into work. This is pretty inconvenient because money is tight! You cannot afford the extra gas necessary for this morning’s unusual commute. Additionally, you might not be able to afford to pay your utility bill this month if your

6 Steps to Solve Any Problem

Solve Any Problem You Face. I dare you!  I double dare you!  I double dog dare you to you to incubate your obstacle. Stop thinking so much and solve any problem. Utilize your subconscious mind by setting aside the conscious mind.  Give it a rest and move on to something else, like a well-deserved nap. Solving a problem really is as easy as ABC, 123. Have you ever felt that your life is a series of left turns?  Do you feel like you are a hamster running on a wheel?  Running, running, running with no destination at the end of that labor

7 Worthy Tips to Be More Assertive

Should you be more assertive? Have you ever ‘had to’ bail on a family get together or date because your boss needed someone to cover a shift and you thought, “If I don’t do this, nobody else will…”? Ever been kept up all night by a neighbor’s barking dog, but chose to complain about it vaguely on social media rather than speak to your neighbor directly? Perhaps you have told the waiter at an expensive restaurant that your food was “good”, “delicious”, or “fine” when it was over-cooked because you did not want to inconvenience anyone? Maybe your friend suggests

Develop a Positive Mindset in 2 Simple Steps

If You Want to Change Your Life, Start with a Positive Mindset “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude”. These are wise and powerful words from the late Dr. Maya Angelou. I’m sure we can all agree that our attitude and mindset have a direct effect on our lives. Most of us are familiar with the saying, “you get what you put in”; and while this is often associated with the amount of effort that we put into various aspects of our life, it’s also very relevant to how we think and

6 Astonishing Ways to Fail Forward

Failure Sucks. Why Not Fail Forward Sorry, but there’s no kind, gentle or pleasant way to put it. Failure sucks. When you fall flat on your face, in broad daylight, with everyone watching; it just sucks. In today’s socially connected world what might have slipped quietly under the radar, a dozen years ago, can now be immediately posted and shared on every social media platform leaving us the butt of jokes and the object of ridicule for friends and strangers alike. What Is Failure? How to Fail Forward Webster’s Dictionary defines failure as “the lack of success”. When

3 Simple Things That Will Make Your Life Happier

Is It Better to Be Right or Happy? Diffusing Arguments May Make Your Life Happier. It doesn’t take much observation to realize how difficult it is to find things that make your life happier. Many thought a perfect college education would do the trick only to learn, far too late, that the associated debt has robbed them of their happiness. Then, it’s on to the perfect relationship.  Certainly, that will make me happy.  Sexy boyfriend, hot girlfriend, wedding bells, honeymoon, first apartment, and maybe a baby on the way.  No doubt these things will make life happier, right? Certainly, my

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