6 Steps to Solve Any Problem

Solve Any Problem You Face.

I dare you!  I double dare you!  I double dog dare you to you to incubate your obstacle.

Stop thinking so much and solve any problem.

Utilize your subconscious mind by setting aside the conscious mind.  Give it a rest and move on to something else, like a well-deserved nap.

solve any problem

Solving a problem really is as easy as ABC, 123.

Have you ever felt that your life is a series of left turns?  Do you feel like you are a hamster running on a wheel?  Running, running, running with no destination at the end of that labor only to fall off the wheel dizzy, nauseous and staring at the wheel saying to yourself, that was going nowhere fast.

Have you ever noticed that most of your best ideas pop into your head when you aren’t thinking about them?

If you have ever been driving in your car, taking a walk with your fur baby or soaking in a hot bath totally relaxed, not thinking about anything in particular and then BOOM a solution to a problem pops into your head, you have experienced your subconscious mind at work.

Your subconscious mind continues to be hard at work long after Elvis has left the building.

My Grandmother once told me the best way to deal with a stubborn spouse that views things in black and white is to plant a seed and then water it.  Just keep watering it and eventually, something will grow.  Hours, days or weeks later something sprouts in the form of an idea or moment of clarity. Albeit, it is believed to be an original idea at that moment, this is a form of incubating the problem. Incubation can be accomplished with others as well as individually.

Incubation involves setting a problem aside and moving on to other projects. This allows the subconscious to continue to work on the challenge. The more captivated you are in solving the challenge, the more likely the subconscious will produce ideas.

If you have ever experienced writer’s block, then you know the creative process cannot be summoned at will or coaxed by any offer. Actually, it seems to occur most readily when the mind is relaxed and the imagination wandering freely.

Don’t believe me?  That’s fine. DO NOT read on or try this experiment.

Think about the obstacle with excessive passion as much as you are capable — for as long as you can, and at the end of that time give instructions to your subconscious, that the work is to continue until it is solved.  Give it a time frame, let go of the control, don’t think about it and dispel all worry.  This is the most important part of this process as worry will only interfere.

Utilizing this tool, you are in fact working on the problem by allowing your subconscious mind to solve it.

Here are the steps:

  1. Work on a problem until you have contemplated all the important pieces of information. Communicate with others about the problem, ask questions, and do as much research as you can until you are satisfied that you have pushed your conscious mind to its limit.
  1. Write a letter to your subconscious mind about the problem. “Dear Subconscious Mind,” or if you prefer you can give your subconscious a name-perhaps Richard or Albert if you admire Richard Branson or Albert Einstein. The letter should read as it would to a real person as the subconscious is REAL.  In writing, be detailed and specific. Describe the obstacle you are facing.  Define the elements, the steps you have already taken, the problems associated, the missing pieces, what you need, what you desire, all of the obstacles, etc., Writing a letter helps to define problems, process issues, pinpoint where more information is needed, and prepare your subconscious mind to work out a solution. Your subconscious has the answers and can solve any problem that is properly communicated.
  1. Command your subconscious to find the solution. Write it, “Your task is to find the solution to my current problem. I would like a solution within three days.”
  1. Sign the letter and Seal it. Then put it away. You can even mail it to yourself if it moves you.
  1. Now the tough part for most-LET IT GO! Trust.  Don’t work on it. Forget about it. Do something else that requires your focus and attention. This is how the incubation process works as it occurs outside of your fixated awareness, subconsciously.

When you think about a subject for too long thoughts become loose, fragmented and random.  Your subconscious mind is never at rest. Allow it to put the puzzle together.  Associations are made through incubation.  Plant the seed, (consciously) water it (subconsciously)and watch it grow.

  1. Open the letter when the designated time frame you requested has arrived. If the obstacle still has not been solved, then write on the bottom of the letter, “Let me know as soon as you solve this,” (a little more water) and put it away again. When you are most tranquil and detached from the problem, the answer will miraculously come to mind.